PostgreSQL 24000

PostgreSQL 24000 error indicates an invalid cursor state, meaning the cursor is not in a valid state to perform the requested operation. This can occur when a cursor is used after it has been closed or when an operation is attempted on a cursor that has not been opened.

How It Affects Your App

PostgreSQL 24000 INVALID CURSOR STATE is an error that occurs when a cursor is used in an invalid state. This can cause the application to crash or become unresponsive, resulting in data loss or corruption. It can also lead to unexpected behavior, such as incorrect results or unexpected behavior from the application. In addition, it can cause the application to become slow or unresponsive, resulting in a poor user experience.

How To Fix

1. Identify the source of the PostgreSQL 24000 error. This can be done by running the following command in the PostgreSQL shell:

SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity;

This will show all the active connections to the database and the queries that are running.

2. Check the PostgreSQL log files for more information about the error. This can be done by running the following command in the PostgreSQL shell:

SELECT * FROM pg_log;

This will show the log entries related to the error.

3. Analyze the log entries to determine the cause of the error. This can be done by running the following command in the PostgreSQL shell:

SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE state = 'idle';

This will show all the idle connections to the database.4. If the error is caused by a deadlock, then the deadlock can be resolved by running the following command in the PostgreSQL shell:

SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE state = 'idle';

This will terminate the idle connections that are causing the deadlock.

5. If the error is caused by a query that is taking too long to execute, then the query can be optimized by running the following command in the PostgreSQL shell:


This will show the query plan and the execution time of the query.

6. Once the issue has been identified and fixed, it is recommended to use an automated database observability tool to monitor and fix the PostgreSQL 24000 in question. This tool can be used to detect any issues with the database and alert the user when an issue arises. It can also be used to analyze the query plans and execution times of queries to ensure that they are optimized for performance.

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