Generic Plan Collection

June 2, 2024
Oshri Maayan

The "Generic Talk Plan Collection" feature in Metis broadens the scope of our monitoring capabilities by capturing every execution plan generated within a user's database environment. This includes plans initiated through object-relational mapping (ORM) tools and those executed as prepared statements where parameters are not directly visible.

This comprehensive collection allows database administrators and developers to gain a deeper understanding of the database's operational behavior, regardless of how queries are executed. By aggregating all execution plans, users can perform detailed analyses to identify patterns, optimize performance, and troubleshoot issues more effectively.

Generic Plan Collection is crucial for environments where abstraction layers like ORMs obscure the direct view of SQL execution, making it challenging to analyze database performance thoroughly. With this feature, Metis ensures no execution plan goes unrecorded, providing a complete and unobstructed view of database activity and enhancing the ability to maintain and improve database performance.

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