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Use Metis And Let Your Developers Do The Work

As a project manager, you probably know how hard it is to move fast and not make mistakes. Developers may be overwhelmed by the complexity of the systems they work on. They may lack working knowledge, not understand all the details of their systems, and may lack confidence when deploying their changes. This may lead to failures in production that they may not know how to tackle. What if we could help them? What if you could have your developers change the code and deploy with confidence, and troubleshoot issues easily?
Published on
June 6, 2024
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Adam Furmanek
Dev Rel
Metis Team
See how Metis can make your database 3x faster and 50% cheaper!

Today’s software development is very demanding. We’re supposed to deliver things fast and keep our systems always on. As a project manager, you probably know how hard it is to move fast and not make mistakes. Developers may be overwhelmed by the complexity of the systems they work on. They may lack working knowledge, not understand all the details of their systems, and may lack confidence when deploying their changes. This may lead to failures in production that they may not know how to tackle.

What if we could help them? What if you could have your developers change the code and deploy with confidence, and troubleshoot issues easily? This would give you as a project manager the ability to plan accordingly, increase velocity, and move faster. This would let you change your product fast and develop more features in a shorter time. Read on to learn how Metis gives you all of that.

Use Metis to Develop with Confidence

Confidence comes with knowing what to do and how to do it. Developers may feel unsure about their designs, code changes, and database modifications. To fix that, we need to give them tools that can confirm their actions are correct.

Recommended reading: The 3 Pillars of Successful Database Maintenance & Monitoring

Metis can analyze queries and immediately tell if they are safe to be run in production. Metis integrates with developers’ environments, captures execution plans, and explains if the queries use indexes, correct filtering, and techniques that will be fast enough in production.

Metis analyzes schema migrations and protects your databases from downtime and data loss. Most importantly, all of that is in the developers’ environments very early in the pipelines. This lets you fix issues early and iterate faster.

Metis analyzes how your applications interact with databases. This way you get automated reviews and confirmation if your developers’ designs are correct and robust. Metis analyzes table schemas, indexes, configurations, extensions, and everything that may affect performance.

Use Metis to Deploy and Troubleshoot

Metis covers your CI/CD pipelines as well. It automatically analyzes all your tests and confirms if they are exhaustive. Metis comments on your pull requests and gives you actionable insights before you deploy things to production. This way your developers can be notified about dangerous changes before they get deployed.

After you deploy, Metis covers your databases constantly. It analyzes live queries and database performance, detects anomalies, and notifies you and your developers about things that don’t work well.

Metis analyzes your schemas, indexes, tables, configurations, query performance, and all the moving parts. This gives your developers the confidence to work on the changes, deployments, and troubleshooting.

Use Metis Today

Building confidence for developers gives you the way to move fast. As a product manager, you must avoid rollbacks, outages, data loss, and production downtime. Metis helps you with that.

Metis analyzes your changes when they are developed, tested, and deployed. This lets you work faster, increases your velocity, and improves your DORA metrics. Use Metis and let your developers do the work.

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