5 min read

Unlocking IMDB Data With Metis for Awesome Database Optimization Insights

Let’s see how Metis can prevent, monitor, and troubleshoot our databases. In this part we’re going to prepare a database based on IMDb and start with sample queries to see actual examples. We are going to see actual insights provided by Metis and how they improve the query performance.
Published on
June 13, 2023
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Metis Team
Adam Furmanek
Dev Rel
See how Metis can make your database 3x faster and 50% cheaper!

Metis can analyze queries, suggest improvements, find performance issues, and automatically troubleshoot problems. We are going to use IMDb datasets. We are going to play with some queries, and see how Metis can identify performance characteristics.

You can find the datasets at IMDb datasets.

Information courtesy of



Used with permission.

Dataset preparation

Let’s start with preparing the database. We are going to use the PostgreSQL (Postgres) database.

Let’s start with downloading files:

curl --output name.basics.tsv.gz \
	&& curl --output title.akas.tsv.gz \
	&& curl --output title.basics.tsv.gz \
	&& curl --output title.crew.tsv.gz \
	&& curl --output title.episode.tsv.gz \
	&& curl --output title.principals.tsv.gz \
	&& curl --output title.ratings.tsv.gz

Next, we need to decompress them:

gzip -d name.basics.tsv.gz \
	&& gzip -d title.akas.tsv.gz \
	&& gzip -d title.basics.tsv.gz \
	&& gzip -d title.crew.tsv.gz \
	&& gzip -d title.episode.tsv.gz \
	&& gzip -d title.principals.tsv.gz \
	&& gzip -d title.ratings.tsv.gz

Next, we need to replace \N characters with empty values in order to import them as NULLs:

sed 's/\\N//g' name.basics.tsv > name.basics.tsv2 \
	&& sed 's/\\N//g' title.akas.tsv > title.akas.tsv2 \
	&& sed 's/\\N//g' title.basics.tsv > title.basics.tsv2 \
	&& sed 's/\\N//g' title.crew.tsv > title.crew.tsv2 \
	&& sed 's/\\N//g' title.episode.tsv > title.episode.tsv2 \
	&& sed 's/\\N//g' title.principals.tsv > title.principals.tsv2 \
	&& sed 's/\\N//g' title.ratings.tsv > title.ratings.tsv2 \
	&& rm *.tsv

Now, we need to create a database in our PostgreSQL instance. You can install the server locally or use the Docker image. Next, create the schema:


And now create tables. We are going to use TEXT columns to keep things simple:

CREATE TABLE imdb.name_basics(
	nconst              TEXT    NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
	primaryName        TEXT,
	birthYear          INT,
	deathYear          INT,
	primaryProfession  TEXT,
	knownForTitles    TEXT
CREATE TABLE imdb.title_akas(
	ordering INT NOT NULL,
	title TEXT,
	region TEXT,
	language TEXT,
	types TEXT,
	attributes TEXT,
	isOriginalTitle BIT,
	constraint pk_title_akas PRIMARY KEY (titleId, ordering)

CREATE TABLE imdb.title_basics(
	titleType TEXT,
	primaryTitle TEXT,
	originalTitle TEXT,
	isAdult BIT,
	startYear INT,
	endYear INT,
	runtimeMinutes INT,
	genres TEXT

CREATE TABLE imdb.title_crew(
	directors TEXT,
	writers TEXT

CREATE TABLE imdb.title_episode(
	partentTconst TEXT,
	seasonNumber INT,
	episodeNumber INT

CREATE TABLE imdb.title_principals (
	tconst TEXT NOT NULL,
	ordering INT NOT NULL,
	nconst TEXT,
	category TEXT,
	job TEXT,
	characters TEXT,
	constraint pk_title_principals PRIMARY KEY (tconst, ordering)

CREATE TABLE imdb.title_ratings (
	averageRating NUMERIC(15, 8),
	numVotes BIGINT

Finally, we need to load the IMDb database:

COPY imdb.name_basics FROM '/database/name.basics.tsv2' DELIMITER E'\t' QUOTE E'\b' CSV HEADER;
COPY imdb.title_akas FROM '/database/title.akas.tsv2' DELIMITER E'\t' QUOTE E'\b' CSV HEADER;
COPY imdb.title_basics FROM '/database/title.basics.tsv2' DELIMITER E'\t' QUOTE E'\b' CSV HEADER;
COPY imdb.title_crew FROM '/database/title.crew.tsv2' DELIMITER E'\t' QUOTE E'\b' CSV HEADER;
COPY imdb.title_episode FROM '/database/title.episode.tsv2' DELIMITER E'\t' QUOTE E'\b' CSV HEADER;
COPY imdb.title_principals FROM '/database/title.principals.tsv2' DELIMITER E'\t' QUOTE E'\b' CSV HEADER;
COPY imdb.title_ratings FROM '/database/title.ratings.tsv2' DELIMITER E'\t' QUOTE E'\b' CSV HEADER;

The database is now ready and we can remove the input files:

rm *.tsv2
rm *.tsv
rm *.tsv.gz

Registering in Metis

You can now go to Metis and register. You are now ready to query the database. Start with a very simple query:

FROM imdb.name_basics

This should give the following output:

nconst primaryname birthyear deathyear primaryprofession knownfortitles
nm5590744 Sophie Kenny (null) (null) assistant_director,miscellaneous,director tt1758810,tt2085059,tt10846464,tt14764788

Now, we can get the execution plan for the query above. Let’s change the query to:

FROM imdb.name_basics

We should get something along the lines:

	"Plan": {
	"Node Type": "Limit",
	"Parallel Aware": false,
	"Async Capable": false,
	"Startup Cost": 0.00,
	"Total Cost": 0.02,
	"Plan Rows": 1,
	"Plan Width": 66,
	"Output": ["nconst", "primaryname", "birthyear", "deathyear", "primaryprofession", "knownfortitles"],
	"Shared Hit Blocks": 0,
	"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
	"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
	"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
	"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
	"Local Read Blocks": 0,
	"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
	"Local Written Blocks": 0,
	"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
	"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
	"Plans": [
		"Node Type": "Seq Scan",
		"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
		"Parallel Aware": false,
		"Async Capable": false,
		"Relation Name": "name_basics",
		"Schema": "imdb",
		"Alias": "name_basics",
		"Startup Cost": 0.00,
		"Total Cost": 253832.48,
		"Plan Rows": 12416948,
		"Plan Width": 66,
		"Output": ["nconst", "primaryname", "birthyear", "deathyear", "primaryprofession", "knownfortitles"],
		"Shared Hit Blocks": 0,
		"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
		"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
		"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
		"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
		"Local Read Blocks": 0,
		"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
		"Local Written Blocks": 0,
		"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
		"Temp Written Blocks": 0
	"Query Identifier": -599869187636405422,
	"Planning": {
	"Shared Hit Blocks": 0,
	"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
	"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
	"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
	"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
	"Local Read Blocks": 0,
	"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
	"Local Written Blocks": 0,
	"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
	"Temp Written Blocks": 0

We can see how the SQL engine is going to execute the query. This is only the estimated plan, and the actual execution may differ. To get the actual plan, we can run this:

FROM imdb.name_basics

You can now copy the query and the execution plan to Metis Query Analyzer and get the following:

Metis Query Analyzer

Let’s now see what environment I used for the experiments.


I used the following environment to run the tests below.

RDS instance db.m6g.large with PostgreSQL 13.7. It has 2 vCPUs and 8 GB of RAM.

EC2 instance t3.xlarge with AMI amzn2-ami-kernel-5.10-hvm-2.0.20221210.1-x86_64-gp2 with Amazon Linux 2 in version 5.10.157-139.675.amzn2.x86_64. It has 4 vCPUs and 16 GB of RAM memory.

Mac Mini with macOS 13 Ventura running on M1 with Darwin Kernel Version 22.4.0 It has 3.2GHz 8-Core M1 and 16GB of RAM.

Both EC2 and Mac used PostgreSQL 15.2 (Debian 15.2-1.pgdg110+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit running in a Docker container that you can get at

For a given actor, find their latest movies

First query I used shows some latest movies a given actor has been in. This is the query:

FROM name_basics AS NB
LEFT JOIN title_principals AS TP ON TP.nconst = NB.nconst
LEFT JOIN title_basics AS TB ON TB.tconst = TP.tconst
WHERE NB.nconst = 'nm1588970'
ORDER BY TB.startyear DESC

And here is the output:

tconst titletype primarytitle originaltitle isadult startyear endyear runtimeminutes genres
tt7513040 short Den gamla goda tiden Den gamla goda tiden false 1946 (null) 6 Documentary,Short
tt0000001 short Carmencita Carmencita false 1894 (null) 1 Documentary,Short

Execution time:

37 31 24

Let’s start with the estimated plan:

Metis Data SQL Estimated plan

We can see that the SQL engine predicts using 3 tables, reading ~52M rows, and returning 10 of them. Let’s compare that with the actual:

Metis Data SQL Estimated plan comparison

We can see that the estimations were pretty accurate. The actual number of rows was closer to 56M, and the query returned 2 rows instead of 10.

However, based on the insights above, we can easily tell how to improve the performance. imdb.title_principals doesn’t have an index. If we go to the Query Tale tab, we can see that it scans the table:

Metis Seq Scan Node

How can we improve the query? Metis clearly indicates that a table is scanned and this decreases the performance! Let’s add the index:

CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS title_principals_nconst_idx ON imdb.title_principals(nconst) INCLUDE (tconst);

The index is on the nconst column (which is used in the join operator), and it also includes the tconst column so that we can join it later on with another table. Now, the query finishes in less than a second:

Metis Data SQL Table

The index clearly improved the performance.

For a given actor, find their ten most highly rated films

Let’s now find ten best movies a given actor has been in. The query is:

FROM name_basics AS NB
LEFT JOIN title_principals AS TP ON TP.nconst = NB.nconst
LEFT JOIN title_basics AS TB ON TB.tconst = TP.tconst
LEFT JOIN title_ratings AS TR on TR.tconst = TP.tconst
WHERE NB.nconst = 'nm1588970'
ORDER BY TR.averagerating DESC, TR.numvotes DESC

Here is the output:

tconst titletype primarytitle originaltitle isadult startyear endyear runtimeminutes genres tconst averagerating numvotes
tt7513040 short Den gamla goda tiden Den gamla goda tiden false 1946 (null) 6 Documentary,Short (null) (null) (null)
tt0000001 short Carmencita Carmencita false 1894 (null) 1 Documentary,Short tt0000001 5.70000000 1965

This query runs for the following number of seconds:

3 12 30

Here is the estimated execution:

Metis Data SQL estimated execution

We can see a very similar story here. title_principals table doesn’t have an index, so the engine needs to scan it fully. Let’s compare with the actual execution:

Metis Data SQL comparison with execution

We can see that the performance is low because of this missing index. Once we add it, we get the following performance:

Metis Data SQL performance with missing index

The query executes in 1 millisecond now.

Find the ten top rated films with some number of votes

Let’s now find the best movies that received some number of votes. This is the query:

FROM title_basics AS TB
LEFT JOIN title_ratings AS TR on TR.tconst = TB.tconst
WHERE TR.numvotes > 10000
ORDER BY TR.averagerating DESC


tconst titletype primarytitle originaltitle isadult startyear endyear runtimeminutes genres tconst averagerating numvotes
tt2301451 tvEpisode Ozymandias Ozymandias false 2013 (null) 48 Crime,Drama,Thriller tt2301451 10.00000000 193154
tt12187040 tvEpisode Plan and Execution Plan and Execution false 2022 (null) 50 Crime,Drama tt12187040 9.90000000 48920
tt9906260 tvEpisode Hero Hero false 2019 (null) 24 Action,Adventure,Animation tt9906260 9.90000000 100806
tt4283094 tvEpisode The Winds of Winter The Winds of Winter false 2016 (null) 68 Action,Adventure,Drama tt4283094 9.90000000 152869
tt2301455 tvEpisode Felina Felina false 2013 (null) 55 Crime,Drama,Thriller tt2301455 9.90000000 127058
tt13857684 tvEpisode Assault Assault false 2021 (null) 24 Action,Adventure,Animation tt13857684 9.90000000 79715
tt4283088 tvEpisode Battle of the Bastards Battle of the Bastards false 2016 (null) 60 Action,Adventure,Drama tt4283088 9.90000000 215387
tt2178784 tvEpisode The Rains of Castamere The Rains of Castamere false 2013 (null) 51 Action,Adventure,Drama tt2178784 9.90000000 110274
tt9313966 tvEpisode The Phantom Apprentice The Phantom Apprentice false 2020 (null) 27 Action,Adventure,Animation tt9313966 9.90000000 14657
tt10023374 tvEpisode Midnight Sun Midnight Sun false 2019 (null) 24 Action,Adventure,Animation tt10023374 9.90000000 46063


2 1 1

Let us now check the plan:

Metis Database Query Select

Once again, we lack an index. Metis clearly shows what index we should add:

CREATE INDEX IDX_title_ratings_637d5836 ON title_ratings (numvotes)

This creates the index on the title_ratings table on the numvotes column. Let’s see if the actual execution agrees:

Metis Database Query Select - showing user the optimal query

We can see that the number of rows read is actually higher than the estimate (1.31M vs 1.06M). The index would definitely help. Let’s add it and see the performance:

Metis Database Query Select with index

We can see that it greatly improved the runtime.

Given two people, list what movies they appeared in together

Let’s now write a query that finds movies with two specified actors. Query is:

FROM title_basics AS TB
JOIN title_principals AS TP1 ON TP1.tconst = TB.tconst
JOIN title_principals AS TP2 ON TP2.tconst = TB.tconst
WHERE TP1.nconst = 'nm0302368' AND TP2.nconst = 'nm0001908'


tconst titletype primarytitle originaltitle isadult startyear endyear runtimeminutes genres
tt0000439 short The Great Train Robbery The Great Train Robbery false 1903 (null) 11 Action,Adventure,Crime

Let’s now see the estimated execution plan:

Metis Database Query Select Estimated plan

Once again we see that the title_principals table is slowing the query down. Let’s compare that with the actual execution:

Metis Database Query Select Estimated plan actual execution

Estimations were pretty correct, and the query is slow. Metis shows that the table scan is the root cause of the low performance. Let’s add the index with:

CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS title_principals_nconst_idx ON imdb.title_principals(nconst) INCLUDE (tconst);

Let’s see the performance now:

Metis Database Query Select with index 2

And we can see the performance is much better now.

List all of the cast and crew in a given movie

Let’s now find all the people involved in the movie. Here comes the query:

FROM title_basics AS TB
LEFT JOIN title_principals AS TP ON TP.tconst = TB.tconst
LEFT JOIN title_crew AS TC ON TC.tconst = TB.tconst
LEFT JOIN name_basics AS NB ON
	NB.nconst = TP.nconst
	OR TC.directors = NB.nconst
	OR TC.directors LIKE NB.nconst || ',%'::text
	OR TC.directors LIKE '%,'::text || NB.nconst || ',%'::text
	OR TC.directors LIKE '%,'::text || NB.nconst
	OR TC.writers = NB.nconst
	OR TC.writers LIKE NB.nconst || ',%'::text
	OR TC.writers LIKE '%,'::text || NB.nconst || ',%'::text
	OR TC.writers LIKE '%,'::text || NB.nconst
WHERE TB.tconst = 'tt0000439'

Here is the output:

nconst primaryname birthyear deathyear primaryprofession knownfortitles
nm0302368 Donald Gallaher 1895 1961 actor,director,miscellaneous tt0021457,tt0020221,tt0029541,tt0020275
nm1145809 Scott Marble 1847 1919 writer tt0438068
nm0001908 Gilbert M. 'Broncho Billy' Anderson 1880 1971 director,actor,producer tt0183803,tt0001706,tt0003719,tt0176832
nm2313241 John Manus Dougherty Sr. 1885 (null) actor tt0000439
nm0807466 Blair Smith 1859 (null) cinematographer,camera_department tt0343568,tt0000439,tt0368073,tt0344376
nm0055607 George Barnes 1880 1951 actor tt0434558,tt0408105,tt0003756,tt0322643
nm0131750 Walter Cameron 1872 1942 actor,cinematographer tt0010346,tt0004760
nm0055661 Justus D. Barnes 1862 1946 actor tt0233527,tt0415631,tt0415738,tt0002504
nm0007625 A.C. Abadie 1878 1950 cinematographer,director,actor tt0485015,tt0477387,tt0167051,tt0918623
nm0692105 Edwin S. Porter 1870 1941 director,cinematographer,writer tt0000757,tt0004654,tt0006279,tt1932747

And the timings:

94 98 685

Here are the estimates:

Metis Database Query Select Estimated plan 2

We can see three insights. One regarding number of rows (and missing index), one about the total cost of the plan, and one about the sorting of rows. Let’s compare that with the actuals:

Metis Database Query Select Estimated plan actual execution 2

We can see one more insight. That is regarding the I/O operations for the sorting part. When we go to the query tale, Metis shows that indeed scanning the name_basics table took a lot:

Metis Seq Scan Node 2

The optimizer decided to materialize the result of the scan because it couldn’t optimize the join with multiple filters.

Why do we need that join? This is because in directors and writers we store the value as CSV:


Not to mention, that this query extracted the title_basics table which we don’t need at all. How can we improve the query? We need to split the CSV into a regular column. First, let’s see how many identifiers we store at most:

SELECT MAX(CHAR_LENGTH(writers) - CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(writers, ',', '')))
FROM title_crew

We take the length of the writers column and subtract the length of the writers column with commas removed. The maximum value we get is 1390. This means that we have at most 1391 identifiers serialized in that field. For directors we get 490. Based on that we can safely assume that there are no more than 1500 identifiers. We can use that to split them and build a table with nconst identifiers:

	SELECT 1 AS number
	SELECT number + 1 AS number FROM numbers WHERE number < 1500
split_associations AS (
	SELECT SPLIT_PART(TC.directors, ',', N.number) AS nconst
	FROM title_crew AS TC
	CROSS JOIN numbers AS N
	WHERE tconst = 'tt0000439' AND directors IS NOT NULL AND CHAR_LENGTH(directors) - CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(directors, ',', '')) + 1 >= N.number
	SELECT SPLIT_PART(TC.writers, ',', N.number) AS nconst
	FROM title_crew AS TC
	CROSS JOIN numbers AS N
	WHERE tconst = 'tt0000439' AND writers IS NOT NULL AND CHAR_LENGTH(writers) - CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(writers, ',', '')) + 1 >= N.number
all_associations AS (
	SELECT SA.nconst
	FROM split_associations AS SA
	SELECT TP.nconst
	FROM title_principals AS TP
	WHERE TP.tconst = 'tt0000439'
FROM all_associations



We can now join this with name_basics table and get the final query:

	SELECT 1 AS number
	SELECT number + 1 AS number FROM numbers WHERE number < 1500
split_associations AS (
	SELECT SPLIT_PART(TC.directors, ',', N.number) AS nconst
	FROM title_crew AS TC
	CROSS JOIN numbers AS N
	WHERE tconst = 'tt0000439' AND directors IS NOT NULL AND CHAR_LENGTH(directors) - CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(directors, ',', '')) + 1 >= N.number
	SELECT SPLIT_PART(TC.writers, ',', N.number) AS nconst
	FROM title_crew AS TC
	CROSS JOIN numbers AS N
	WHERE tconst = 'tt0000439' AND writers IS NOT NULL AND CHAR_LENGTH(writers) - CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(writers, ',', '')) + 1 >= N.number
all_associations AS (
	SELECT SA.nconst
	FROM split_associations AS SA
	SELECT TP.nconst
	FROM title_principals AS TP
	WHERE TP.tconst = 'tt0000439'
FROM name_basics AS NB
JOIN all_associations AS AA ON AA.nconst = NB.nconst

Execution plan and analysis:

Metis Database Query Select Estimated plan and analysis

We can see that now the query uses indexes and is much faster. We could optimize it even further by calculating data that would let us avoid splitting by comma with each request.

Find the most prolific actor in a given period

Let’s now find the actor that did the most movies in a given period of time. Query:

SELECT NB.nconst, MAX(NB.primaryname), MAX(nb.birthyear), MAX(NB.deathyear), MAX(nb.primaryprofession), COUNT(*) AS number_of_titles
FROM title_basics AS TB
RIGHT JOIN title_principals AS TP ON TP.tconst = TB.tconst
RIGHT JOIN name_basics AS NB ON NB.nconst = TP.nconst
WHERE TB.startyear >= 1900 AND TB.startyear <= 1915
GROUP BY NB.nconst
ORDER BY number_of_titles DESC


nconst max max max max number_of_titles
nm0002615 Siegmund Lubin 1851 1923 producer,director,actor 2993

Execution times:

180 51 45

Let’s see the estimated analysis:

Metis Database Query Select Estimated Analysis

Metis shows table scans, a lot. That’s because we filter based on the startyear column which isn’t indexed. Let’s fix that with the following indexes:

CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS title_basics_startyear_idx ON imdb.title_basics(startyear) INCLUDE (tconst);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS title_principals_tconst_idx ON imdb.title_principals(tconst) INCLUDE (nconst);

Let’s also notice that we don’t need to join name_basics first. We can start from the titles, and then get the details of the actor once we know who we’re looking for:

WITH best_actor AS (
	SELECT TP.nconst, COUNT(*) AS number_of_titles
	FROM title_basics AS TB
	LEFT JOIN title_principals AS TP ON TP.tconst = TB.tconst
	WHERE TB.startyear >= 1900 AND TB.startyear <= 1915 AND TP.nconst IS NOT NULL
	GROUP BY TP.nconst
	ORDER BY number_of_titles DESC
SELECT BA.nconst, BA.number_of_titles, NB.primaryname, nb.birthyear, NB.deathyear, nb.primaryprofession
FROM best_actor AS BA
JOIN name_basics AS NB ON NB.nconst = BA.nconst

This gives the following analysis:

Metis Database Query Select Analysis

We can see how these changes improved the query significantly.

Find most prolific actors in a given genre

Let’s now find ten actors doing most movies in a given genre. The query goes like this:

SELECT NB.nconst, NB.primaryname, NB.birthyear, COUNT(*) AS movies_count
FROM name_basics AS NB
LEFT JOIN title_principals AS TP ON TP.nconst = NB.nconst
LEFT JOIN title_basics AS TB ON TB.tconst = TP.tconst
WHERE TB.genres = 'Action' OR TB.genres LIKE 'Action,%' OR TB.genres LIKE '%,Action,%' OR TB.genres LIKE '%,Action'
GROUP BY NB.nconst, NB.primaryname, NB.birthyear
ORDER BY movies_count DESC


nconst primaryname birthyear movies_count
nm0411127 Shotaro Ishinomori 1938 3428
nm0256607 Hiroko Emori 1961 2211
nm0496556 John Ledford (null) 2205
nm0881576 Yoshio Urasawa (null) 2197
nm0840642 Teiyû Ichiryûsai 1958 2175
nm2029519 Coco Martin 1981 2106
nm0782841 Toshihiko Seki 1962 2090
nm1167622 Tsutomu Shibayama 1941 2082
nm1113319 Soubee Amako (null) 2065
nm1114802 Akiko Muta (null) 2064


17 78 93

Metis tells the following:

Metis Database Query Select Estimated plan 3

Metis immediately identifies a lack of indexes and operations that can be optimized. There are two things that we can do here. First, let’s add an index to find titles for a given genre faster:

CREATE INDEX title_basics_genres_gin_idx ON title_basics USING gin (genres gin_trgm_ops);

Next, let’s rewrite the query to get the titles first and then join actors:

WITH best_actors AS (
	SELECT TP.nconst, COUNT(*) AS movies_count
	FROM title_basics AS TB
	LEFT JOIN title_principals AS TP ON TP.tconst = TB.tconst
	WHERE TB.genres = 'Action' OR TB.genres LIKE 'Action,%' OR TB.genres LIKE '%,Action,%' OR TB.genres LIKE '%,Action'
	GROUP BY TP.nconst
	ORDER BY movies_count DESC
SELECT BA.nconst, NB.primaryname, NB.birthyear, BA.movies_count
FROM best_actors AS BA
JOIN name_basics AS NB ON NB.nconst = BA.nconst
ORDER BY movies_count DESC

This gives the following analysis:

Metis Database Query Select Analysis 2

Specifically, we can see that we use indexes for each table and reach much fewer rows:

Metis Database Query Tables index

Finding most common coworkers

Let’s now find five people a given person worked the most with. We start with the following query:

	SELECT 1 AS number
	SELECT number + 1 AS number FROM numbers WHERE number < 1500
titles_for_person AS (
	SELECT TC.tconst
	FROM title_crew AS TC
	WHERE directors = 'nm0000428' OR directors LIKE 'nm0000428,%' OR directors LIKE '%,nm0000428,%' OR directors LIKE '%,nm0000428'
	SELECT TC.tconst
	FROM title_crew AS TC
	WHERE writers = 'nm0000428' OR writers LIKE 'nm0000428,%' OR writers LIKE '%,nm0000428,%' OR writers LIKE '%,nm0000428'
	SELECT tconst
	FROM title_principals
	WHERE nconst = 'nm0000428'
titles_corresponding AS (
	SELECT TC.tconst, TC.directors, TC.writers
	FROM title_crew AS TC
	JOIN titles_for_person AS TFP ON TFP.tconst = TC.tconst
split_associations AS (
	SELECT TC.tconst, SPLIT_PART(TC.directors, ',', N.number) AS nconst
	FROM titles_corresponding AS TC
	CROSS JOIN numbers AS N
	WHERE directors IS NOT NULL AND CHAR_LENGTH(directors) - CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(directors, ',', '')) + 1 >= N.number
	SELECT TC.tconst, SPLIT_PART(TC.writers, ',', N.number) AS nconst
	FROM titles_corresponding AS TC
	CROSS JOIN numbers AS N
	WHERE writers IS NOT NULL AND CHAR_LENGTH(writers) - CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE(writers, ',', '')) + 1 >= N.number
all_associations AS (
	SELECT SA.tconst, SA.nconst
	FROM split_associations AS SA
	SELECT TP.tconst, TP.nconst
	FROM title_principals AS TP
	JOIN titles_for_person AS TFP ON TFP.tconst = TP.tconst
other_people AS (
	SELECT nconst
	FROM all_associations
	WHERE nconst != 'nm0000428'
top_peers AS (
	SELECT OP.nconst, COUNT(*) as common_titles
	FROM other_people AS OP
	GROUP BY nconst
	ORDER BY common_titles DESC
SELECT TP.nconst, TP.common_titles, NB.*
FROM top_peers AS TP
JOIN name_basics AS NB ON NB.nconst = TP.nconst
ORDER BY TP.common_titles DESC


nconst common_titles nconst primaryname birthyear deathyear primaryprofession knownfortitles
nm0005658 479 nm0005658 G.W. Bitzer 1872 1944 cinematographer,director,camera_department tt0431889,tt0006864,tt0315105,tt0009968
nm0115524 156 nm0115524 Kate Bruce 1860 1946 actress tt0014604,tt0000816,tt0000909,tt0006745
nm0555522 134 nm0555522 Arthur Marvin 1859 1911 cinematographer,director,camera_department tt0300052,tt0291476,tt0233612,tt0000412
nm0038106 130 nm0038106 Linda Arvidson 1884 1949 actress,writer tt1487900,tt0160818,tt0000770,tt0000628
nm0424530 121 nm0424530 Arthur V. Johnson 1876 1916 actor,director,writer tt0000628,tt0003675,tt0337827,tt0000697


6 29 866

And analysis:

Metis Database Query Select Estimated plan 4

Metis shows table scans and lack of indexes. See the numbers that the query reads millions of rows. Let’s build indexes for title_crew table:

CREATE INDEX title_crew_directors_gist_idx ON title_crew USING gist (directors gist_trgm_ops);
CREATE INDEX title_crew_writers_gist_idx ON title_crew USING gist (writers gist_trgm_ops);

Let’s also add indexes for title_principals:

CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS title_principals_nconst_idx ON imdb.title_principals(nconst) INCLUDE (tconst);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS title_principals_tconst_idx ON imdb.title_principals(tconst) INCLUDE (nconst);

This should give us a significant speedup:

Metis Database Query Tables index 2

We can see that we read thousands of rows now. That’s a great improvement.


We have seen a couple of good examples where Metis can clearly show database performance improvements. Thanks to that, we don’t go blind anymore. We can see our improvements, verify if indexes are beneficial, and see how the database performs. The crucial part is that we can finally get some clarity around the database internals. That’s the very first step towards building proper database guardrails.

This is some text inside of a div block. This is some text inside of a div block. This is some text inside of a div block. This is some text inside of a div block. This is some text inside of a div block.

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database again!

Start using Metis and get your database guardrails set up in minutes