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Deploy In May And Run Away. Metis Got You Covered

As software testers, we always want to know about issues in the production databases. We handle maintenance, monitor metrics and logs, and respond to alerts. We do whatever it takes to ensure our systems, particularly the databases critical to our applications, remain stable. But wouldn’t it be ideal if maintenance wasn’t required at all? Imagine having tools that manage your databases automatically, allowing you to forget about them entirely. Keep reading to learn how.
Published on
September 5, 2024
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Adam Furmanek
Dev Rel
Metis Team
See how Metis can make your database 3x faster and 50% cheaper!

As software testers, we always want to know about issues in the production databases. We handle maintenance, monitor metrics and logs, and respond to alerts. We do whatever it takes to ensure our systems, particularly the databases critical to our applications, remain stable. But wouldn’t it be ideal if maintenance wasn’t required at all? Imagine having tools that manage your databases automatically, allowing you to forget about them entirely. Keep reading to learn how.

Achieving Database Reliability

As modern testers, we are tasked with preventing issues from happening. We verify performance issues, check indexes, and carry out routine checks, all of which consume time and slow us down. These tasks affect everything we do - from reviewing code to running CI/CD pipelines and deploying software.

What would truly simplify our work is continuous database reliability. We want to be informed when something goes wrong without having to manually check, and even better, we want the issues resolved automatically. We want peace of mind and freedom from on-call duties, maintenance, and scaling concerns. Our tools should support us in managing databases efficiently.

Unfortunately, most industry solutions fall short. They overwhelm us with raw infrastructure metrics, manual alerts, and cluttered dashboards that flash green and red without providing clear answers. We need more advanced tools - ones that can detect anomalies, automatically adjust alarms, identify trends, understand database-specific metrics, and resolve issues without our intervention. Alerts should only reach us when problems can't be automatically fixed. Ideally, we wouldn't have to think about databases at all, with the majority of issues being prevented or resolved by our tools in the background.

Recommended reading: All Your Monitoring Solutions Are Wrong, Here's Why

Metis gives us exactly that and we can completely forget about the databases. Metis understands database-focused signals, detects anomalies, identifies patterns, reviews configurations and extensions, and alerts us only when issues need to be solved outside database and deployment levels. Read on to see what Metis brings.

Metis Knows Databases

Metis has a deep understanding of your database's inner workings. It can analyze metrics specific to databases, such as transactions, cache performance, index usage, extensions, buffers, and other indicators that reflect the database's overall performance.

Metis delves into specific database events such as rollbacks, disk spills, and unused indexes, so you're not overwhelmed with generic infrastructure metrics that show CPU spikes without providing context. It analyzes queries to detect anomalies, offering insights into behavior over time, identifying causes of slow performance, and suggesting improvements. All of this happens in real time as queries are processed by your database.

Metis provides actionable insights, helping you identify which indexes to configure and how to optimize queries for improved speed. Beyond metrics and queries, Metis has a comprehensive understanding of all things database-related, including indexes, settings, configurations, extensions, and schema.

Metis guides you through the process of optimizing your database, and best of all, it can handle the adjustments automatically with just your approval.

Metis notifies you only when your attention is truly required, as most issues are resolved automatically. For problems that can't be fixed this way, Metis integrates with your platforms, providing clear instructions on what’s needed and how to address them. There's no need to manually fine-tune alerts - Metis detects anomalies and knows when something goes wrong.

Metis gives you peace of mind, allowing you to rest easy knowing that it will alert you only when your databases need your attention.

Metis also analyzes your database schema, offering insights that help you improve the way you develop your applications.

Metis walks you end-to-end through the software development life cycle. It covers everything from when you implement your changes until they are up and running in production.

Sleep Well with Metis!

Testers encounter numerous challenges, and there are currently no tools on the market that truly understand databases and offer actionable insights. Metis supports you throughout the entire software development life cycle, reviewing your changes, suggesting enhancements, and automatically resolving issues. With Metis, you no longer have to worry about your databases. Trust Metis, and rest easy knowing everything is handled.

Recommended reading: Database Chaos: Is Your Bottom Line Hanging By a Thread?

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